Cryptanthus 'Faux Menescal'
Cryptanthus 'Faux Menescal' is a medium growing Cryptanthus. This Cryptanthus was not positively identified, so this is our best guess. If this is Faux Menescal, it is an Ed Edmiston hybrid of ‘Jet Age’ x lacerdae ‘Menescal’. This genus is in the Bromeliad family and is native to Brazil. It has dusty red-maroon leaves with purple stripes. The mature plant can reach approximately 12 inches in diameter, but often stays smaller. It grows moderately slowly in a vivarium and does best under very bright, indirect light with moderate humidity, although it can grow in lower humidity. Airflow is helpful. Moist soil and sphagnum moss are helpful for rooting this species, but it can root on many substrates. Do not let it sit in water.
Cryptanthus are sold in "pup" form and mature form. Many pups will not have roots, and will be smaller, usually 1/4 to 1/3 the size of a mature specimen.