Rhaphidophora cryptantha

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Rhaphidophora cryptantha is a beautiful shingling species from Southeast Asia. It is absolutely incredible, as it plasters flatly against a background and is a true shingler. These Rhaphidophora do well in moderate, indirect light and high humidity. They root relatively easily when their adventitious roots are bundled in moist, but not wet, sphagnum moss. The change between immature and mature foliage is very pleasant but difficult to do in vivariums. We only sell immature foliage at this time.

All of our cuttings have adventitious, aerial roots. Our rooted specimens will have at least a few active roots and will be established plants. Our plants are grown in high humidity in terrariums and greenhouses, therefore may need acclimation to the average home humidity / environment. Please contact us for acclimation information if you are not planning to use this plant in a terrarium, greenhouse, or humid room.