Begonia bipinnatifida

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Begonia bipinnatifida is a unique species from New Guinea. It is a moderately slow grower, but once it establishes, grows quickly. It does well in terrarium culture. Its leaves are its selling point; they are incredibly unique, even amongst the Begonias. The leaves are very dark, and heavily lobed in a "feather" structure, hence its common name, the feather Begonia. It does well in bright, indirect light and moderate to high humidity. It prefers some airflow. Moist soil and sphagnum moss are helpful for rooting this species. Be aware that this species can be difficult to root. Please be experienced before purchasing.

All of our cuttings have adventitious, aerial roots. Our rooted specimens will have at least a few active roots and will be established plants. Our plants are grown in high humidity in terrariums and greenhouses, therefore may need acclimation to the average home humidity / environment. Please contact us for acclimation information if you are not planning to use this plant in a terrarium, greenhouse, or humid room.