Ultimate FrogDaddy Media Sample Pack - NEW ADDITIONS

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Want to try all of our medias for a reduced price? Want to try certain combos? Look no further. This ULTIMATE sample pack bundle gets you access to our 4 great media products: our premium, original GOLD formula, our tropical, glittery Black Diamond formula, our mass production GreenFuel PRO formula (can be used for hydei!), and our newest GreenFuel BLACK formula (can also be used with hydei and has less odor!).
Not sure which media you’ll like best, or which one suits you? Now you can try all 4, and with 3 servings per container, the price can’t be beat!

We have the original sample pack (GOLD, Black Diamond, and GreenFuel PRO)

Our "NEW MEDIAS" sample pack (Black Diamond, GreenFuel PRO, and GreenFuel BLACK)

and our Ultimate, ALL MEDIAS sample pack (GOLD, Black Diamond, GreenFuel PRO, and GreenFuel BLACK)