Double Value Imperfect Cuttings Package - Fan Favorite!

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The imperfect double-value cuttings package is back, baby! This time it’s a permanent product. THESE ONLY SHIP MONDAY, TUESDAY, AND WEDNESDAY OF EACH WEEK. Here is an important description of what you will get.

1. These are all terrarium plant cuttings, some beautiful, some…not so beautiful, but all healthy! These cuttings come in bags with a small amount of moss to retain their health through shipping. They are used to high to very high humidity, and will appreciate maintaining high humidity while rooting. If you plan to transition to lower humidity, you must root them first and then proceed to do so slowly, generally over a month’s time from receiving. 

2. The value of these plants will be DOUBLED from your selection: this means if you order our $40 package, your retail value of the species in the package will total $80 or more. Twice the amount for your money!

3. Due to it being double value, the cuttings, as stated above, may have various imperfections, need to be cleaned, do not come with ID, and are completely grower’s choice. This means that you will not be able to hand select any plants. However, if you want ID or want us to focus on certain species or rarity, you need to contact us BEFORE ordering (or after, but we prefer to know what’s coming!)

4. As stated above, plants may need to be rinsed. There is a slip in your package that gives you easy directions with Dawn dish soap and warm water. 

5. We only ship plants Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and in indecent weather we will not ship and will instead contact you. We do not put live organisms, plants included, at risk. So if you order on Friday, your order may ship M T or W of that next week depending on complexity and favorable weather.