Neoregelia "Paprika"
Neoregelia Paprika is a small to medium-sized bromeliad but can get much larger (see our large option) that is perfect for a 20 gallon, 18x18x18 or 18x18x24 or larger tanks. These can be used in 12x18 enclosures but they will not fit at maturity, even pushing as the centerpiece for 18x18. This bromeliad is red with bright green splotches that increase in intensity under high light. Bromeliads are epiphytic and will send roots out in order to attach to other plants, rocks, or backgrounds. Bromeliads also hold water in their leaves, providing deposition sites for tadpoles. For this reason, we do not recommend planting this Bromeliad in the substrate; if they are watered from the bottom and top, the core can rot. Many dart frogs, especially Oophaga, rely on these plants (and film canisters in captivity) for breeding. Bromeliads form pups from the mature plant and will clump together. Please add fresh water to your bromeliads at least weekly, and allow them adequate ventilation. If you do not have ventilation, we do not recommend keeping them fully filled with water.