Ranitomeya summersi "Sauce"

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Full Name: Ranitomeya summersi "Sauce".

Line: Understory Enterprises.

IUCN status: Endangered (EN).

Import / Origin Information: 2006, Understory Enterprises.

Native Range: Central Peru around the Huallaga canyon and Sauce. A few localities exist, but this species has a very restricted range.

General Description: A small poison dart frog from the Genus Ranitomeya. This frog is yellow-orange and usually displays contrasting black and yellow banding / branching across the dorsal section of each limb with a crown of yellow-orange coloration upon the cephalic region. Ventral coloration is black with orange lines. These frogs generally reach around 20mm, which is rather large for Ranitomeya.

Behavior and Breeding: These frogs can usually be found in Bromeliad axils and leaf litter. This is also where courtship and egg laying occurs. The clutches are usually between 4-9 eggs, but this depends on a variety of factors. These frogs transport eggs to nearby water bodies, usually bromeliads or vernal pools. Same sex frogs can display some aggression, but are generally passive. Females can eat other female’s eggs, but are generally passive. They are group frogs, provided an even sex ratio and plenty of space is provided.

Captive Husbandry Information: This frog thrives at temperatures from 65-80 degrees. We have daylight from 6am to 7pm. Humidity is generally kept around 80-90%. Enclosures should be medium to large in size, taking into account a 5-10 gallon / frog rule. We strongly recommend a 20 gallon or 18x24" enclosure for a pair or trio. This species does very well with highly dimensional environments; the bottom of the enclosure with a thick layer of leaf litter, and a variety of plants. Make sure to include various levels of bromeliads, wood, and hiding places.